Saturday 21 November 2015

Why Do I Release ?

Learning to Release limiting beliefs has dramatically changed my life.
I used to believe that because I was lucky enough to have the time to practise T’ai Chi and to meditate each day I really didn’t deserve to have money too. That being ‘spiritual’ meant that I had to reject the ‘world’ and all it’s ‘goodies’.
Since learning to Release that belief and many other equally limiting beliefs, life has become easier and a lot more fun. Opportunities and connections seem to just come my way.
My personal and professional relationships are much smoother. I still have much to Release, I even find it difficult to write this and can hear a voice (that I call my Mother’s) warning me to keep quiet. As you can see I am learning to allow that limiting voice to stay in my head and not prevent me from sharing my truth. This in itself is a big breakthrough for me.
Learning to recognise my true nature which is always present gives a sense of peace and belonging that allows me to open up and be vulnerable.
It allows me to share the deepest aspects of my T’ai Chi practise. Energy aspects which I was too shy to demonstrate before learning to Release my fear of disapproval.
Do I still feel vulnerable Yes, but the difference is that it no longer controls me. Releasing has given me the Courage to be open and teach my truth.
If you would like to learn to Release come and join us at the next workshop in Cork. If you can’t make the workshop I encourage you to read The Sedona Method by Hale Dwoskin and begin your own Releasing journey and discover how much better life can be when you learn to ‘Let Go'. 
Blackrock Community Centre 
  Saturday December 5'th
 11am - 4pm 

 Cost €35 per person 
 To reserve a place
 Phone 087 6616800  or email

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