Saturday 15 April 2017

Welcome Peace and the The Mini Form for T'ai Chi Class

Welcome up a sense of peace, a sense of tranquillity into your body and mind. Allow yourself to relax into this sense of calm. Allow this sense of calm to expand in and around you, imagine this sense of tranquillity extending beyond your body to fill the space around you. Now bring to mind someone who you would like to help ( maybe they are sick or just having a hard time at the moment) imagine this sense of calm and tranquillity washing over them, imagine them being washed with this energy of peace and tranquillity. Notice how they feel to you now. Maybe you see their face relax or maybe you feel the shift in their energy. Notice how you feel when you become calm and peaceful and also notice how good it feels to extend this to people we care about . Lets invite up that sense of peace and calm again, relax into it notice how it gets easier and easier to feel this peace, it is always present we just put our attention on the 'noise ' in our heads and ignore the peace which is just below all that noise. with practise we can learn to pay more attention to this loving presence and allow it to direct our lives. Allow it to heal our bodies and our minds. We will focus on this peace over the Retreat weekend. will  allow our connection to its presence to expand and enrich our lives.
I would love to see you there and share this wonderful space where it is so easy to access this peace. Where nature expands our awareness naturally and our practises bring us home to our true nature. Much LOVE Ann
Here are the Mini Form videos I promised, Enjoy ! 

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