Friday 13 June 2014

What's Here Now ?

What's Here Now ?

This is a powerful question and a great way  back to presence.

On our retreat in Sedona we asked each other this question often.

Hale Dwoskin asked this question in the group releasing sessions.
Now I am in the habit of asking myself this question every time I find myself resisting being where I am.
Whenever I'm thinking things should be other than they are I bring myself back to here and now by asking myself,

 What is here now ?

 What thoughts are passing through my mind ?

What emotions are causing me to resist being here ?

The mind usually tells us that things are better somewhere else , some time in the future will be perfect,  or maybe some time in the past was more complete. This is how the mind distracts us from becoming more fully present. It tells us that we will miss out by giving our full attention to this moment.

Next time you find your mind resisting the present moment try asking yourself ,

What is here now ?

What thoughts are passing through my mind ?

What emotions are causing me to resist being here ?

I bet you too will begin to realise how the mind was lying , how here and now is actually just fine, in fact it is perfect just as it is.

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