Friday 8 February 2008


Haiku is my favourite form of poetry. Japenese verse , which is traditionally composed of seventeen syllables in three lines - the shortest form of poetry in the world.

Across the summer stream
With such joy
My sandals in my hand


The winter gail
Blows the evening sun
Into the sea


With one who does not speak his every thought
I spend a pleasent evening


Resonance is the response of the body to vibrations of its own natural frequency. This best describes what I feel when I read a Haiku that touches me.

Yesterday, yet again, I was surprised and delighted to feel this response in my body.

I don't usually notice this pulsing in my body as I practise Tai Chi , but whenI stand still at the end of a form , there it is; that deep, rhyhthmic pulsing which I have come to regard as one of the fruits of my practise.

They say everything grows with attention and now, as I write in the gaps beetween the thoughts, there it is again; that resonating presence, mysterious and quiet.

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