Thursday 23 February 2012

Short form Lesson 3, Ward off right

LESSONS 1,2 and 3 Together

The mind is all that you have experienced, all you have gone through, all that is already dead - the mind is the dead part of your being. It is the past the dead hovering over the living. It does not allow you to be here, it does not allow you to be present. It is like a cloud surrounding you it does not allow you to see through it, your vision is not clear it is distorted.

Let this cloud disappear. Let yourself be left with no answers, no conclusions, no philosophies, no religions. Remain open, just open; remain vulnerable, and the truth can happen in you. To be vulnerable is to be intelligent. To know that through the mind you miss reality is to be intelligent. To know that through no-mind the door opens is to be intelligent.


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