Saturday 12 January 2019

Welcome to our 2019 New T'ai Chi Beginners

Welcome to T'ai Chi, it is my pleasure to share this wonderful practise with you. It has enhanced my life in so many ways and I love sharing it with others so they too can benefit from the practise.
As you learn and practise T'ai Chi you will begin to know yourself in a whole new way. You will come to befriend your body and understand it in a very different and intimate way. Most of us never really get to know ourselves from the inside out . We do not have an interesting method to study ourselves but T'ai Chi changes that . Once you find this practise you have an elegant,graceful, interesting method to unravel your self and come to understand your body, your mind and your connection to the world in a whole new way. Alongside this you will improve your health, your flexibility and your sense of wonder. What a wonderful journey ahead I'm so  excited to start 
this new year of practise and exploration. Delighted you decided to join me.
Here is one of the warm up exercises and the lesson we worked on at yesterday's class. I have posted some of the other warm up exercises in the post below so just scroll down to get some more warm up exercises.
Enjoy !

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