Tuesday 28 April 2009

I will never forget my first image of T'ai Chi. It was of two people in Roll Back posture, the serenity and peace in their faces and the calm aura surrounding them captured me then and the practice continues to enrich delight and challenge me still twenty years later. That image was in a book I found in Mallow library an image that changed my life.
How wonderful then to bring the practice of T'ai Chi to life there in the celebration of International T'ai Chi Day. We did that last Saturday and were delighted with the warm reception we received. It was great to practice with long term practitioners like myself and people who got their first taste last Saturday.
Ruari the librarian said he had never experienced anything as "loud" as the silence that descended when we began the T'ai Chi Form. So T'ai Chi really did come to life in the Library ! Many thanks to everyone who made it possible.

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