It's about thirty years since I first read about brainwaave biofeedback in a book called "The Lives Of A Cell". Since then I've come across refrerence to biofeedback in other books and have always been interested in it's use in studies on relaxation and meditation. Then last summer I read "Open Focus Brain" by Dr Les Fehmi and Jim Robbins. The book recounts Dr Femhi's work with biofeedback machines and his development of open focus exercises. Dr Femhi discovered that when he asked clients to imagine distance volume or space there was a dramatic increase in alpha waves produced in their brains. He realised that 'Objectless Imagery' was very conducive to alpha wave production and thereby very relaxing and healing for his clients. Having read the book and practised the exercises I really wanted to experience working on the machine,so a few weeks ago I travelled to Princeton to train with Dr Fehmi. Working with Dr Femhi and his wife Susan Shore Fehmi was wonderful. I loved getting feedback from the machine and the open focus exercises left me energised and more open relaxed and aware than ever before. The exercises have opened me to a whole new level in my T'ai Chi practice.
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