Wednesday, 3 February 2016


I grew up in a culture where having an abundance was seen as somehow dubious. If you had a lot of money a great car, beautiful house you probably were a crook, you had cheated or stolen it.
These beliefs were absorbed both consciously and unconsciously and ran my life on a conscious but even more importantly on an unconscious level so much so that I actually pushed money away from me.  I didn't realise how deeply these beliefs had been sabotaging my life until I began working with the Release Technique.
Learning to LOVE money was a huge breakthrough even writing about it I find that there is still some 'energy' a 'clutch' in my body that I am releasing even as I write. The Release Technique has taught me how to feel these clutches in my body that let me recognise when I'm blocking the natural flow of my energy, letting me know that there is some resistance in me to the feelings that are arising in this moment. When I let these feelings arise and pass through the clutch is released and I feel lighter and clearer.
This technique can be used on any limiting beliefs not just on money issues, however I feel that we often have very deep limiting beliefs about money especially if we are interested in spiritual matters. Often we have taken on board the belief that it is an either or situation, that we can be spiritual or rich but definitely not both. Releasing that belief has brought a huge expansion in my life allowing me to become more abundant in every aspect of day to day living.
One of the aspects of this work that I find fabulous is that it really doesn't matter what 'clutch ' I release because when I release negative beliefs about money and love it some more, my sense of love increases in ALL aspects of my life . I find more love for my family, my pets, my work, my house, in fact for everything. This is a beautiful way to live as each day can become an opportunity to let go of non loving feelings and grow more and more loving.
Growing in love life just gets better and better.
If you too would like to Grow in Love join us at the next Releasing Workshop I know you will be glad that you took the time to learn how to "Let Go " and Love.

 Blackrock Community Centre
Saturday February 20th 

10am - 4 pm  
Cost €35 per person 
To reserve a place
Phone 087 6616800  or email

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