Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. -Victor Frankel

Releasing helps us to access the space that Victor Frankel is speaking about. In releasing we move our attention inwards and become more conscious of what we are feeling, and rather than trying to get rid of the feeling we attend to the space where our all emotions arise.
Being able to 'sit ' with ones emotions is a huge skill. It allows for great personal growth, it is a balm for the pain and upset of life's challenges. It allows us to deal calmly with the ups and downs of our daily life. When we learn to Release and remain calm,we conserve our energy, life is no longer a roler coaster of emotions, rather it is a steady relaxed ride which is easier on us.
If You would like to become more familar of that space where our power to choose our response resides, join us at the next Releasing Workshop and begin your journey to a calmer happier life.

Blackrock Community Centre
Saturday October 10'th

11am - 4pm  
Cost €35 per person 
To reserve a place
Phone 087 6616800  or email

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