Monday, 25 November 2013

November Workshop

Here is the full Mini Form for Monday and Tuesday's classes.

We are almost finished this form just one more lesson so we will be ready in time for the Workshop in Blackrock on November 30'th.

I'm really looking forward to this workshop. We will work on the Forms, Short Form and Mini Form.
We will pay special attention to Energy Exercises in order to enhance energy awareness and also to strengthen our energy body .

The aim of this Workshop is to optimise  our ability to focus and develop a better understanding of  Energy in T'ai Chi and life.

The Workshop will begin at 10 30 with Short Form work for the first hour .
11 30 - 4   is open to all levels .

 Recharge Your Energy

 Improve Your  Knowledge and Understanding of T'ai Chi.

 Meet fellow T'ai Chi students from other groups.

 Have Fun and Learn.

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