Saturday, 29 September 2012

" Whatever you pay attention to grows . "  With this in mind I have decided to pay attention to LOVE.
 Lester Levinson's teachings are a great inspiration and help in this endeavour.
Here are some of the polarities he suggests we work with :

I want to be loved - I allow myself to love..

I need love  - I  am love.

Could I allow myself to hate  ( any person,  place , or thing ) as much as I do ?
Could I allow myself to love  ( any person, place, or thing  ) as much as I do ?

Working with these polarities I find myself becoming more open and loving.
Try it for yourself  right now think of someone place or thing that  you  dislike.
Pick something that's not too big to begin with. Now allow yourself to let up the
dislike feelings as much as you can.  Ok ?

Now allow yourself to let up the loving feelings as much as you can.

Review, do you still dislike the the person place or thing as much as before ?

Many find that the dislike has diminished or disappeared  by just doing this once.
However repeat as many times as necessary to dissolve the non love feelings.

I hope you find this exercise  as beneficial and freeing as I do.

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